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Chi Delta Alpha

Virginia Tech's First Service Sorority, Est. 1967


Chi Delta Alpha was founded on February 22, 1967 by Angi Ma Wong. It was Virginia Tech's first women's service organization, and it has provided women at Virginia Tech a place to serve the community for over 50 years. Membership in Chi Delta Alpha has fluctuated from about 20 founding members to more than 70 members today!


Chi Delta Alpha is organized into an executive board and a series of committees. The executive board is made up of primary leadership positions like president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian, and service officers. The nine different committees are headed by committee chairs and are made up of active sisters. Executive and committee business is discussed at the weekly sisterhood meetings.


Sisters of Chi Delta Alpha must first complete the pledging process, which spans an entire spring semester. For more information about this process, please visit the pledging page.


Sisters must complete a minimum of 32 community service hours each semester, although sisters often choose to complete many additional hours. Most of these hours must be completed through participation in official Chi Delta Alpha sponsored projects, which are organized by the sorority's service officers.


Chi Delta Alpha values the special relationships we have with various community service organizations throughout the New River Valley.


In addition to these community service requirements, sisters must also participate in a number of different activities throughout each semester, such as recruitment events and sisterhood activities.

© Updated January 2024 by Jordan Cheek

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